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Mackenzie Maskery, Melanie Walker, Heide Glaesmer, Stéphanie Etienne, Sabine Lee, Susan A Bartels (2023), Peacekeeper perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse, and life satisfaction: A cross-sectional study in Haiti. Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health, GJMEDPH 2023; Special Issue
Susan A. Bartels & Sandra C. Wisner (2022) Haiti’s right to remedy and health-an urgent call to action, The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, DOI: 10.1016/j.lana.2022.100236
Luissa Vahedi, Heather Stuart, Stéphanie Etienne, Sabine Lee & Susan A Bartels (2021) The Distribution and Consequences of Sexual Misconduct Perpetrated by Peacekeepers in Haiti: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Analysis, Social Sciences, 10: 270, DOI: 10.3390/socsci10070270
C. King, Sabine Lee & Susan A. Bartels (2020) ‘They Were Going to the Beach, Acting like Tourists, Drinking, Chasing Girls’: A Mixed-Methods Study on Community Perceptions of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by UN Peacekeepers in Haiti, Stability: International Journal of Security & Development, 9(1): 10, 1-22, DOI: 10.5334/sta.766
Luissa Vahedi, Sabine Lee & Susan A. Bartels (2021) Proactive and reactive responses to pregnancies resulting from sexual exploitation and abuse: an ecological model based on Haitian survivors’ experiences, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, DOI 10.1108/JACPR-03-2021-0584
Carla King, Greg Ferraro, Sandra C. Wisner, Stéphanie Etienne, Sabine Lee & Susan A. Bartels (2021): ‘MINUSTAH is doing positive things just as they do negative things’: nuanced perceptions of a UN peacekeeping operation amidst peacekeeper-perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse in Haiti, Conflict, Security & Development, DOI: 10.1080/14678802.2021.1997453
Luissa Vahedi, Sabine Lee & Susan A. Bartels (2021) Proactive and reactive responses to pregnancies resulting from sexual exploitation and abuse: an ecological model based on Haitian survivors’ experiences, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace research, DOI: 10.1108/JACPR-03-2021-0584
Susan A. Bartels, Georgia Fraulin, Stéphanie Etienne, Sandra C.Wisner & Sabine Lee (2022), Cholera in the Time of MINUSTAH: Experiences of Community Members Affected by Cholera in Haiti International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19094974
Luissa Vahedi, Heather Stuart, Stephanie Etienne, Sandra Wisner, Sabine Lee & Susan Andrea Bartels (2022), “It’s because We are ‘Loose Girls’ That’s why We had Children with MINUSTAH Soldiers”: A Qualitative Analysis of
Stigma Experienced by Peacekeeper-Fathered Children and Their Mothers in Haiti, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 10.1177/08862605211072178
Luissa Vahedi, Susan Bartels & Sabine Lee (2020) 'His Future will not be Bright': A qualitative analysis of mothers’ lived experiences raising peacekeeper-fathered children in Haiti, Children and Youth Services Review, 119, DOI: 10.1016/J.childyouth.2020.105625
Sabine Lee & Susan Bartels (2019) ‘They Put a Few Coins in Your Hand to Drop a Baby in You’: A Study of Peacekeeper-fathered Children in Haiti, International Peacekeeping, DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2019.169829
S.A. Bartels, C. King, & S. Lee (2021) 'When It’s a Girl, They Have a Chance to Have Sex With Them. When It’s a Boy...They Have Been Known to Rape Them': Perceptions of United Nations Peacekeeper-Perpetrated Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Against Women/Girls Versus Men/Boys in Haiti, Front. Sociol. 6:664294, DOI: 10.3389/fsoc.2021.664294
Luissa Vahedi, H. Stuart, S. Etienne, S. Lee & S. A. Bartels, (2021) Gender-Stratified Analysis of Haitian Perceptions Related to Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Perpetrated by UN Peacekeepers during MINUSTAH, Sexes, 2, 216–243, DOI: 10.3390/sexes2020019
Luissa Vahedi, Susan A. Bartels & Sabine Lee (2021) 'Even Peacekeepers expect someting in return': A qualitative analysis of sexual interactions between UN peacekeepers and female Haitians, Global Public Health, 16:5, 692-705, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2019.1706758
Georgia Fraulin, Sabine Lee & Susan A. Bartels (2021) 'They came with cholera when they were tired of killing us with bullets': Community perceptions of the 2010 origin of Haiti's cholera epidemic, Global Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2021.1887315


Kirstin Wagner!, HeatherTasker, Luissa Vahedi, Susan A. Bartels & Sabine Lee (2022), Born between war and peace: Situating peacekeeper-fathered children in research on children born of war, Frontiers in Political Science, DOI:  􀀁􀀄10.3389/fpos.2022.945617
Kaitlin Gibson, Alina Dixon, Allison Goebel & Susan Bartels (2022) Love, Sex, and Exchange in the Context of Peacebuilding in the Democratic Republic of
Congo, International Peacekeeping, 29:4, 678-705, DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2022.2094781
Kirstin Wagner, Susan A. Bartels, Sanne Weber, Sabine Lee (2022) UNsupported: The Needs and Rights of Children Fathered by UN Peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Human Rights Review, DOI: 10.1007/s12142-021-00652-y
Georgia Fraulin, Sabine Lee, Sandrine Lusamba & Susan A. Bartels (2021) 'It was with my consent since he was providing me with money': a mixed methods study of adolescent perspectives on peacekeeper-perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Conflict and Health, 15:80, DOI: 10.1186/s13031-021-00414-0
S. A. Bartels, S. Lusamba, S. Lee (2021) Participant and narrative characteristics associated with host community members sharing experiences of peacekeeper-perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse in the Democratic Republic of Congo, BMJ Global Health, 6:e006631, DOI: 10.1136/ bmjgh-2021-006631
Kirstin Wagner, Susan A. Bartels, Sanne Weber & Sabine Lee (2022), ‘White Child Gone Bankrupt’—The Intersection of Race and Poverty in Youth Fathered by UN Peacekeepers, Cult Med Psychiatry, DOI: 10.1007/s11013-022-09772-7
Kirstin Wagner, Heide Glaesmer, Susan A. Bartels, Sanne Weber, Sabine Lee (2022) Presence of the Absent Father: Perceptions of Family among
Peacekeeper-Fathered Children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Journal of Child and Family Studies DOI: 10.1007/s10826-022-02293-2
Samantha Gray, Susan A. Bartels, Sabine Lee & Heather Stuart (2021) A cross-sectional study of community perceptions of stigmatization amongst women affected by UN-peacekeeper perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse, BMC Public Health, 21:2295, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-12221-6
Samantha Gray, Heather Stuart, Sabine Lee & Susan A. Bartels (2021) Development of an Index to Measure the Exposure Level of UN Peacekeeper-Perpetrated Sexual Exploitation/Abuse in Women/Girls in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Violence Against Women, 0:0, 1-27, DOI: 10.1177/10778012211045713 
Kirstin Wagner, Heide Glaesmer, Susan A. Bartels, Sabine Lee (2020) 'If I was with my father such discrimination wouldn’t exist, I could be happy like other people': A qualitative analysis of stigma among peacekeeper fathered children in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Conflict and Health, 14:76, DOI: 10.1186/s13031-020-00320-x
Tasker, H., van der Werf, K., Bunting, A., & Bartels, S. A. (2023). ‘Those MONUSCO agents left while we were still pregnant’: Accountability and support for peacekeeper-fathered children in the DRC. Journal of Peace Research, 0(0).
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